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Umpiring Clinics

BC Baseball Umpire Clinics

PBSA Covid 19 Umpiring update Jan 25, 2021

Be advised there are still a lot of details that are not known for the 2021 Baseball Youth season. For example the Province of BC's Public Health Orders pertaining to baseball currently in Phase 2 could change at anytime. Having said this the various Baseball organizations in the GVBA and their Covid19 plans may not necessarily be known in great detail at this time.

For your information Youth Baseball ViaSport is currently and temporarily at Phase 2 guidance since Nov 21, 2020, keep in mind this could change rapidly. But at this point in time the following in general applies:

  1. Games tournaments and competitions are temporarily suspended for teams.

  2. Individual Drills and modified training activities can continue

  3. Spectators by order are not allowed at any sport activities, practices etc.

  4. Travel to from between communities for baseball is prohibited

  5. Mask mandates require masks to be worn at any indoor public setting (exemptions as per the PHO)

  6. All other Public Health Orders are still in effect ex: physical distancing 3 m, increased hygiene, having a Covid19 safety plan, etc.

For 2021 Umpires current status - we know includes the following:

  1. If you were registered in 2020 for youth umpiring and didn't apply/receive a refund those fees will be applied to your 2021 registration.

  2. Future training will be virtual online

  3. Important to note the 2 umpire system has been modified AND this will also apply to umpires of Tadpole and Mosquito. To simplify it means balls and strikes will be called by an umpire positioned behind the mound. More information can be found at the following links


For BCBUA members after you sign in the Video link for Covid modified 2 umpire positioning is available at: and under Related click on '2020 Modified Procedures Overview Video' done by Phil Bourgois.

BC Baseball Umpire Clinics - General

To register for BCBUA Umpire clinics please visit the BCBUA website at Membership is required to be paid annually. Existing Level 1 umpires must renew their membership with BCBUA before they are able to register for any upcoming clinics. To become a qualified umpire at level 1 a new umpire must attend the clinic (in person or virtual) and pass the online examination. All Level 1 umpires are encouraged to take the course at least twice as each course contains new material and rule updates for the current season. Please remember that PBSA will reimburse the annual BCBUA membership fee ($35 Youth / $65 Regular) provided the umpire volunteer for a minimum of 3 games during that ball season. (increased fees were as of Oct 2019)

Only Level 1 umpires are assigned duties by PBSA, and then for only 9U and 11U games. Remember, an umpire cannot ump a game in the same level as he/she is of age to play in, they must be at least 1 level above to umpire a game. In other words you have to be turning 10 or older in 2019 to umpire a 9U game and 12 or older to umpire an 11U game. A number of our Level 1 umpires have moved up this year to play in 13U and so will now be eligible to umpire both 9U and 11U games!!

If you have any questions or concerns regards renewing a membership or creating a new membership with BCBUA please do not hesitate to get back to the umpire scheduler or to our Umpire-in-Chief. We will do our best to help.

A big thank you to all our Level 1 umpires who helped out last year. Your enthusiasm and willingness to support PBSA is greatly appreciated. We look forward to hearing from all of you again this year. Also, if you know of anyone who would like to become an umpire, please forward this information on to them or send me their e-mail address and I will happily contact them.

Volunteer Baseball Umpire Mentors wanted -  if you have a keen interest in the game, its rules and helping to support the PBSA youth umpire program, volunteers are needed who could be present at Tadpole and Mosquito games to support them after their initial training. Please contact the PBSA Umpire in Chief for more information.

Softball BC Umpire Clinics

Level 1, Refresher or Level 2:

To register please visit the Softball BC website Here

Please note that advanced pre-registration is required.

There is a Softball BC registration fee charged when registering. Once you have officiated 3 games at Rotary Park, PBSA will reimburse the registration fee.

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