PBSA Constitution
Board Position Descriptions:
1. President
This position is responsible for overseeing
all aspects relating to the policies of PBSA, along with insuring the
conduct of the club conforms to the club house rules, coupled with the
policies, principles, rules and regulations of BC Minor Baseball. The
president schedules and chairs the monthly executive meetings, along with
attending district meetings as required by the Greater Victoria Baseball
Association. The president supports all members of the executive, working closely
with the Vice Presidents of both baseball and softball to assist with all
duties relating to the operation of the club.
2. Vice President
This position is responsible for overseeing
all aspects relating to PBSA and will be responsible for the enforcement
of the Constitution. In absence of the President a Vice-President shall be
selected by the Table of Officers to assume all duties in relation to that
position. The VP supports all directors, along with being responsible for
overseeing all fields/clubhouse activities. The VP works closely with the
executive board to ensure all areas in baseball operations such as
sponsorship, scheduling, field and clubhouse maintenance etc are completed.
3. Secretary
This position shall record and prepare the minutes
of all meetings and such business as deals with the Association, and will
receive and reply to all correspondence pertaining to the business of this
association. The secretary shall assure minutes of each meeting are
received by the Table of Officers.
4. Treasurer
This position is responsible for overseeing
league books and financial reporting. Dispense league funds as approved
by the President and executive. Shall prepare and present financial
statement reports for the Annual General Meeting and monthly reports that
coincide with board meetings. The Treasurer processes the Gaming Application to
the Province. The treasurer will assist the President as necessary
regarding all aspects of club financial matters.
5. Umpire in Chief
This position shall be responsible for
administration of House Rules; shall make recommendations to the Board
on matters of discipline of members, coaches, players, umpires and
spectators; shall be the liaison between the Board and the umpires; shall
represent the Association at meetings with other UIC's from the Greater
Victoria area and shall maintain the Associations Codes of Conduct. They
are responsible for overseeing all necessary duties in relation to umpires
for all Divisions including recruiting umpires for the coming season, both
adult and youth. Provide input into the annual review and revisions of the GVBA
Universal Rules. Attend monthly meetings and report to the President and
Executive Board as needed.
6. Director at Large
The Director at large positions will maintain
a portfolio of tasks as assigned by the executive. Directors will attend
monthly club meetings and provide reports and updates on their assigned items.
7. Registrar
The Registrar answers all general inquiries regarding
registrations or forwards to respective Vice Presidents. Inquiries that require escalation will be sent to the Web site Administrator. The registrar is also
responsible for issuing tax receipts to all members for dues paid in both the
Spring and Fall seasons. They will also be responsible for organizing a session in coordination with the Web site Administrator to assist with registrations where clients need to pay by cash or cheque.
8. Volunteer coordinator
The volunteer coordinator is responsible for
overseeing the PBSA parent volunteer program by providing tracking sheets and
coordinating with team managers. The coordinator will collect volunteer deposit
cheques and determine in consultation with the executive if cheques will be
cashed at the end of the season. In addition the volunteer coordinator will be
responsible for providing information on 50/50 draws and the park parent
9. Sponsorship/ Fundraising Director
- Solicits
and secures local sponsorships to support league operations
- Collects
and reviews sponsorship and fundraising opportunities
- Organizes
and implements approved league fundraising activities
- Coordinates
participation in fundraising activities
- Maintains
records of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives
- Orders
and maintains all sponsorship banners / plaques / product or services
taken in kind
10. Diamond
This position is responsible for field
allocation of all the fields at Rotary Park as well as the batting cage for all
11. Umpire Scheduler
Baseball: The umpire scheduler is responsible
for assigning umpires for home games at Rotary Park for 11U Mosquito and 9U
Tadpole baseball games.
Softball: The umpire scheduler is responsible for assigning umpires for home games at Rotary Park for U10-U19
This position is responsible for overseeing
all aspects relating to the PBSA web site and Leagueapps application. The website administrator will work
closely with the executive, along with team managers to ensure that all
upcoming information and club promotion such as team stories and pictures are
communicated to the membership as required.
13. Equipment Coordinator
This position is responsible for dispensing
equipment bags at the beginning of the season and collection of same at
the end of the season. They work in conjunction with the registrar to
determine the equipment required for each of the divisions for the
upcoming season.
14. Uniform Coordinator
This position is responsible for dispensing
uniforms at the beginning of the season and collection of same at the end
of the season. They work in conjunction with the registrar to ensure that
the correct numbers of uniforms are ordered in February that are required
for each of the divisions for the upcoming season.